Pollinisation Sociale (Les médias sociaux au service de votre entreprise), Monica O’Brien et LeWeb 2010

Publié le 01 août 2010 par Jnchaintreuil @jnchaintreuil

« Pollinisation Sociale n’est pas un simple ouvrage sur le fonctionnement des réseaux sociaux. Ce n’est pas un manuel d’utilisation de Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, etc. Ce livre vous invite avant tout à vous interroger dans quelle mesure la révolution qui a lieu sur Internet concerne votre métier. » [Michel Lévy-Provençal a.k.a. Mikiane]

(Conception graphique : Geoffrey Dorne
pour Les Editions Diateino)

Comme vous le savez déjà, depuis quelques semaines, le livre de Monica O’Brien : Pollinisation Sociale, a été publié en France, par Les Editions Diateino.
C’est le premier livre de la collection Médias Sociaux, que je dirige.

Vous pouvez le trouver dans les FNAC et VIRGIN, partout en France ainsi que dans plusieurs grandes librairies (parisiennes ou autres…) dont un clin d’oeil spécial à la librairie Eyrolles.

Egalement en commande sur le site des Editions Diateino (d’ailleurs, vous pouvez même vous le faire livrer par la Patronne, qui, régulièrement amène les livres en…vélo!) et  sous format eBook, que vous pouvez commander, ici, pour les plus technologique d’entre vous! (NDA: Et bientôt, pour vos iPad, Kindle et autres lecteurs!)

Vous pouvez bien entendu rejoindre la « fabulous » (dixit Monica) page Facebook avec ses photos à travers la France et ses concours.

Et comme, on veut TOUS voir Monica, en France, on la supporte dans son projet de deveninr speaker à LeWeb2010!

(Et pour toi, qui vit dans une grotte depuis plusieurs années, ou pour toi, mamie, qui lit ses lignes, j’en suis sûr : LeWeb est la plus grande conférence centrée sur les nouvelles technologies et les médias sociaux, organisée par Loic Le Meur > pour plus d’informations, ici!)

Je vous laisse avec Monica! Have Fun and GO supporting her!

I’m also hoping to speak in France in 2010, and specifically at LeWeb 2010. I would love if you could suggest me as a speaker at this link: http://www.leweb.net/leweb/forms/speaker-suggestions

Speaker Name: Monica O’Brien

Speaker Title: National Director of Digital, Fizz

I’ve included my application below in case there is any way to push this out to media, Facebook contacts, etc.
Readers have the opportunity to request me as a speaker by going to this page: http://www.leweb.net/leweb/forms/speaker-suggestions.
The more people who request me, the better my chances are of getting on the stage!

If I am a speaker I will make sure I work a book promotion or conference sale into the speaking contract.

Here is my information:

Topic: Social Pollination – How to pollinate the web with buzz about your products

Topic Abstract: The topic is how start-ups and businesses can get word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age. Points include how to determine which platforms are best suited to market the product you are selling, how to build buzz for your product or service among true influencers, how to incorporate word-of-mouth marketing and sharing into the actual product, and how to encourage digital sharing in light of recent privacy concerns. Because 90% of conversations about brands happen in person, Monica will also provide tips on how to take word-of-mouth marketing offline – even if you are building web-based software.

Biography: Monica O’Brien was born in Germany and spent her childhood jet-setting around the world with her American parents. Her travels include most of the United States and Europe, as well as Guam, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the Philippines. She is the author of Pollinisation Sociale : les médias sociaux au service de votre entreprise, with a forward by TEDxParis founder Michel Mikiane Levy-Provencal. Monica is also the Director of Digital at Fizz, a top word of mouth marketing agency based in the United States that works with international brands including Intuit, Heineken USA, and Laura Mercier Cosmetics. Before that, she provided digital strategy consulting for several start-ups, including Brazen Careerist, a popular Gen Y professional platform similar to LinkedIn and Facebook.

Monica is a lifetime member of Sigma Pi Sigma honor fraternity and was a 2007 Chicago Business Fellow, graduating with an MBA from the Chicago Booth School of Business at 25 years old. Her ideas have been featured in Advertising Age, The Huffington Post, and the Christian Science Monitor, and Monica was recently named one of the top 25 Tweeters in the city of Chicago by ChicagoNow, a subsidiary of the Chicago Tribune.

5 Reasons Monica Would Be a Great Speaker:

1) Monica has experience creating digital strategies at both start-ups and large corporations, specifically in word-of-mouth marketing, which is the best type of marketing for start-ups and new product launches
2) Monica’s book, Social Pollination, was recently published in French by Diatieno, the same publisher as Guy Kawasaki’s Reality Check and Seth Godin’s Tribes and Linchpin
3) Monica has a speaking career in the US, which means she has the experience necessary to put on a great talk for all attendees
4) Monica has *not* spoken in France before, so the ideas will be fresh to all attendees
5) Monica is very flexible and open to changing or tweaking this topic to make it perfect for the LeWeb 2010 audience!