April 1st Business day – ANESEC | 1. Abrëll 2016 – Business Day by ANESEC

Publié le 13 mars 2017 par Mooviblog @Moovijob
Luxemburgish Version below
Are you a student in economics, banking, finance or similar? Are you looking for an internship or a graduate job in Luxembourg? Or would you simply like to network with representatives of Luxembourg's most prestigious companies and banks? If this is the case, then save the 1st of April to be part of the exclusive Business Day taking place at the Chambre de Commerce from 13:30 to 18:00 o'clock.

This year, the Business Day offers 11 different workshops from banks and companies such as EY, BGL BNP Paribas, McKinsey, Statec and Talos. Participate at this year's Speed Meeting and meet students and companies other than those in your workshop! The participation is for free, however signing up is mandatory as the workshops will be filled on a first come first served basis, sign up as soon as possible!

More information about the Business Day and how to sign up on www.anesec.lu/business-day or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1658333027802531/ .

If you have any questions, feel free to send an e-mail to business-day@anesec.lu.

See you soon!


Déi 3. Editioun vum exklusiven Business Day steet virun der Dier! Du bass Student am Wirtschaftsberäich an op der Sich no engem Stage oder enger éischter Arbeschtplaatz? Dann haal der den 1. Abrëll fräi fir op dësem Daag di wichtegst Akteuren vun der lëtzebuerger Finanzplaatz kennenzeléiren.

Dëst Joër hun mir 11 verschidden Workshops, wouvunner dir iech der 2 auswielen kënnt. Dës Workshops gin vun Entreprisen an Banken ewéi KPMG, BDL, PWC, BCEE, BIL, Raiffeisen asw. ugebueden. Maach och du bei eisem neien Speed Dating mat an léier nei Studenten an Firmaen ausserhalb vum dengem Workshop kennen! D'Participatioun ass gratis, mee eng Unmellung ass obligatoresch. D'Workshopen gin op enger " first come, first served " Basis zougedeelt.

Sief och du dobäi an free dech op en erfollegreichen Business Day an exklusiven Kontakt zu prestigiéisen Partner-Firmaen.

Méi Informatiounen gett et iwwert www.anesec.lu/business-day oder op eisem
Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/events/1658333027802531/ .

Bis geschwënn!